MM Stories: Grace M.
The summer of 2007 a garden tour was offered to anyone interested in gardening, or in my case, becoming more familiar with Mountain Ranch’s surrounding areas. A luncheon, to be held in the Mountain Ranch Community Hall, was also offered. Wonderful. I sent in my money and received a tour map. The tour was to be on Sunday; on Saturday I made a dry run to familiarize myself with the routes to the gardens being shown. All went well, and the next day I set out for the real thing. I thought I was on my way to the fourth garden, when I realized with a jolt that I had somehow gotten twisted up and was on Whiskey Slide Road heading right down to Mountain Ranch. Well, I decided that since it was lunch time I’d go straight to the Hall to eat. Lunch was fine, and there was an added attraction: a small group of women from Mountain Melody were there to sing for us. Their outfits looked to me like dyed potato sacks, BUT once they began singing I was hooked — by their spirit, blend, and the joy they expressed through their music. What started out as a wrong turn brought me to this wonderful group and I have been a member ever since. It was truly meant to be.
Grace M., Member since 2007